ClearAdmit BoB Ballot Submitted

26 04 2010

Well, almost 5-6 hrs of research and I submitted my Ballot of BoB awards of ClearAdmit. I, thoroughly, enjoyed the whole process and going through some of the blogs I was not following earlier. It amazes me how Internet and particularly, blogging have enabled people to put so much vast information. Personally, I feel blogs are one of the most strongest medium of sharing information by the current students and the medium of collecting information for vast majority of applicant pools. A very special mention to the efforts of Hella, due to whom the MBA community has been able to closely knit themselves.

One thing that troubled me in the process was bad usage of tags and categories in order to look for specific information. Not all, but some of the blogs lack this basic feature which makes the task of searching for particular category of entries for nominations tough. I hope that people will take a note of it and will try to improve on it.

Wish me Luck and Good Luck to the all the nominees 🙂